It’s almost that time of year again, when the air is thick with dust from large vehicles, when religious services are transformed into political rallies, ...
Since colonial times to post-colonial and current times of evolving political cultures and social structures, tribalism has been adamantly prevalent in Kenya. This vice has ...
Production, sale and use, of illicit drugs have proved to be a factor accelerating violence and complicating peace building efforts. Illegal armed groups participation in ...
I reminisce about memories growing up. We came from communities where sharing the little that one had was what brought us together. Do you remember ...
Every day, many African children find themselves at the frontline of different conflicts across the continent. These are child soldiers, African Child Soldiers. These African ...
Climate change has proved to be one of the greatest challenges in this century with temperature becoming warmer and frequency of extreme weather increasing. Climate ...
Peace is a key factor to consider in achieving sustainable development. The poorest populations are on a high percentage from unstable and conflict stricken regions. ...
Digital technologies are playing a significant role in peace building. The use of technology commonly referred to as “peacetech”, has over the recent years provided ...
Whether practicing Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism or any other religion peace is an important trait recognized as a fulfillment of the expectations of people who ...
Effective peace building should take into account issues of gender and especially consider structural inequalities and power dynamics which are the basis for gender discrimination. ...