Children in Conflict Areas Need Support

Children in Conflict

Kenya, like many other countries in Africa experience various forms of conflicts, mostly political violence and inter-ethnic clashes. These conflicts have great impact on children in rural areas resulting to, among others, disruption in education, displacement of families and exposure to violence and trauma. Children growing up in these areas have to device survival mechanisms […]

Political Instability and Civil War in Africa in 2021

Civil War in Africa, Tigray Defense Force (TDF)

2021 saw a mix of political instability and civil war in Africa; Ethiopian government forces and the rebel Tigray Defense Forces fighting in Tigray and Amhara regions, coups in Sudan and Mali and several raging insurgencies in Mozambique, Nigeria, DR Congo just to name a few. As you may also be aware there has been […]

Connecting Piped Water Into Homes Could Save A Lot Of Man Hours For Makueni People

Drought in Makueni

According to WHO and UNICEF, two billion people live in countries with high water stress. One of the most important recent milestones has been recognizing the human right to water and sanitation by the United Nations General Assembly in July 2010. The assembly recognized the right of every human to have access to enough water […]

The Tribal Red Flag

Since colonial times to post-colonial and current times of evolving political cultures and social structures, tribalism has been adamantly prevalent in Kenya. This vice has adversely affected the development of the country leading to economic discrimination to unmerited employment opportunities. Under and overrepresentation of different tribes in the civil service is evident. Politics has heightened […]

The Nexus Of Illegal Drugs And Conflict


Production, sale and use, of illicit drugs have proved to be a factor accelerating violence and complicating peace building efforts. Illegal armed groups participation in the narcotics industry has very high stakes. This links the political factor to promoting illegal drugs production. Political leaders offer protection and support in exchange for various favors, escalating conflicts […]

African Child Soldiers: The Children Fighting Adults’ Wars

African Child Soldiers: The Children Fighting Adults’ Wars

Every day, many African children find themselves at the frontline of different conflicts across the continent. These are child soldiers, African Child Soldiers. These African child soldiers are not only confined to the hundreds of militia and armed groups, but some of them are fighting in government forces and government-aligned militias. These boys and girls, […]